Catherine McKinnell MP has added her support to a ‘Pledge for the Environment’ following the outcome of the 23rd June referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union.
The Newcastle North MP was invited by the Northumberland Wildlife Trust to sign the pledge, which has been prepared by a wide coalition of environmental and conservation groups across the UK including the Green Alliance, RSPB, WWF, The Wildlife Trusts, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
The Pledge for the Environment reads:
‘I believe that following the EU referendum, the UK government, working with administrations in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, must build a healthy and prosperous future for all.
This means a thriving natural world on land and at sea, clean air and water, communities connected to nature, and a sustainable economy.
For the wellbeing of my constituents, for people at home and abroad, and for future generations who will depend on a flourishing and secure planet, I will do everything in my power to:
- Establish the UK as a world leader on the environment by committing to match or exceed current environmental, wildlife and habitat protections.
- Ensure the UK leads on climate change by publishing robust low carbon investment plans and ratifying the Paris Agreement this year.
- Create a countryside richer in nature by supporting farmers and landowners to deliver environment benefits alongside a thriving farming sector.’
Catherine said:
‘I have been contacted by a significant number of constituents following the outcome of the referendum – the overwhelming majority of whom are very concerned about what Brexit will actually mean for Newcastle, the North East and the rest of the country.
‘One of the key issues people raise with me is the impact of Brexit on our environmental legislation and protections, much of which has been driven by the EU. People rightly want to know what will happen to the ban on neonicotinoid pesticides which is protecting our bee population, or to the EU Nature Directives underpinning much of our crucial protection for marine wildlife – to take just two examples.
‘I am absolutely determined to ensure that leaving the EU will not result in our environmental legislation being watered down, and I am proud to add my name to this pledge.’