Catherine McKinnell, Member of Parliament for Newcastle North joined children at Brunton First School to celebrate World School Milk Day, a dedicated day aimed at encouraging children to drink and learn about the benefits of milk.

 In the UK, school milk is free for children in primary education under the age of five and subsidised for school children aged five to eleven. Milk is delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom, distributed by children and consumed as a group. Children benefit from the nutrients and vitamins in milk, which aids their health and physical development, and improves concentration.

 Catherine commented “I very much enjoyed visiting Brunton First School, and chatting to the children about the benefits of drinking milk. It’s great to see Brunton First School taking part in the scheme.

 All children should be able to access affordable milk as its benefits are clear. Drinking milk in school is good for children’s health and for their education and concentration. School milk schemes are a really important tool in helping children develop”.

 Mrs Gill McKay, Head teacher at Brunton First School said the school promotes milk as it adds to their Healthy School Status, helping improve child health, raising pupil achievement, improving social inclusion and encourages closer working between health and education providers.

World School Milk Day is celebrated globally on 26th September. For more information go to
