Catherine McKinnell MP hosts Older Women's discussion eventNewcastle North MP, Catherine McKinnell, recently hosted a coffee morning at Westerhope Methodist Church to hear about the key issues facing women in Newcastle as their reach their fifties and beyond.

Organised with the support of the Elders Council of Newcastle and UNISON, the ‘older women’s discussion event’ was attended by local residents, Newcastle Councillors, trade union members, and representatives from Age Inclusive Ltd, Newcastle Carers Centre, and Advocacy Centre North.

A wide variety of subjects were considered, including issues affecting older women in the workplace; older women in public life; and older women and their caring responsibilities. The report from the event will feed into the work of the Commission on Older Women, chaired by Labour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman MP.

Catherine said:

“Given that we are ageing as a society it’s critical that public policy properly consider the lives of older women and the different issues they face, whether being supported to remain in the workplace or being increasingly stretched by the responsibility of caring for both parents and grandchildren.

“The key message coming out of this fascinating discussion, was that – despite a tendency to be overlooked, or become ‘invisible’, in many aspects of life – older women are not a ‘problem’ that needs dealing with, but an asset to society, with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience that should be utilised. How we do this, whilst also ensuring that older women are able to enjoy a fulfilled, active and healthy retirement, is a big challenge but one that policymakers must address.”

 A full copy of the report from the meeting can be read by clicking here: Older Women’s Commission discussion report (13 July 2013)
